New Vısıon Ultrasound Software Test – New Vision FUNDUS

New Vısıon Ultrasound Software Test

DICOM test has performed with Toshiba ultrasound device in Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

The DICOM test procedure conducted on Toshiba ultrasound device and has successfully transferred patient’s info, SR data, images and videos.

Our first test was to transfer patient information, images and videos from the Toshiba device to our software. As a result of the test, the data sent from the Toshiba ultrasound device were transferred so that the appropriate data can be interpreted by our software.

New Vision Ultrason, bizim için bir yenilik ve kolaylık. Ölçümleri manuel olarak girmeyeceğiz artık otomatik olarak aktarılacak. Ve hepsini tek raporda otomatik olarak göreceğiz.

The transferred data and images were recorded in the database and in our New Vision Ultrasound software. The recorded data can be poured into a report and printed in PDF form in a shorter period of time and can be given to the patient.